The recloser receives the
necessary signal to open and
close from the control circuitry.
For specific information
concerning the operation of
the control and how to change
settings, please refer the
appropriate SEL
control manual.
using standard SEL
settings files,
the CT ratio will already be preset
to 1000:1 and the voltage sensors
will come pre-calibrated (used
on the 651Rx2 only). If standard
settings files are not used, the
CT input in the SEL
control will
need to be adjusted to 1000:1. All
voltage sensors require an 8VAC
LEA input and are pre-calibrated
to a ratio of 10kV on the line to
1VAC into the SEL
For specific
information on how to adjust
settings and curves, please refer
to the appropriate SEL
manual. Note that certain SEL
controls limit the number of
reclose sequences when AC
or battery is not present.
Please consult Schweitzer
Engineering Laboratories.
specifications, please refer to
the Power Module Box Installation
and Operation Instructions.
The complete recloser system, including control, requires routine inspection
and maintenance if damage is found to ensure proper operation. If it is not maintained,
it may fail to operate properly. Improper operation may cause equipment damage and
possible personal injury.
The Elastimold
MVR is designed to be maintenance free under normal operating
conditions, and the EPDM/silicone insulation is not prone to the cracking or chipping
that sometimes occurs with porcelain or epoxy insulators. However, should damage
occur as a result of an external event, in most cases it is possible to replace the
damaged components due to the modular design of the recloser. Both the top and
bottom silicone shed, as well as the side terminal, can be removed and replaced if
damaged by external arcing, a knife cut, etc. If damage extends to the main body
of the pole, the pole in each phase can be replaced individually. If damage occurs,
please contact Thomas & Betts customer service. If it becomes necessary to clean
the main body or sheds, recommended cleaning agents are soap and warm water
or isopropyl alcohol.
SEL is a registered trademark of Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
Instruction Manual
Top Shed
Bottom Shed
Side Terminal
All MVRs are sealed and
leak tested prior to shipment to prevent
moisture ingress. Do not open the lower
cover as it is possible that the MVR will
not reseal when the cover is closed.
While the diaphragm will keep moisture
from ever entering the high-voltage
chamber, excessive moisture ingress
could cause damage to the magnetic
actuator mechanism and misoperation.
Do not remove and replace
the side terminal in the field. The MVR
incorporates a unique diaphragm
technology that fully encapsulates the
high-voltage chamber in the MVR. The
side terminal must be vented during
installation and then sealed to prevent
pressure build-up against the diaphragm
during the installation process. Improper
installation may cause equipment
damage and possible personal injury.
Standard Pole Replacement Details