1. Introduction
How to use this product
This product must not be used for the devices or systems that are used under the situations that
may be fatal to human life.
If you consider using this product for special applications such as passenger movement vehicle,
medical, aerospace, nuclear power, and electric power devices or systems, be sure to consult
with THK in advance.
This product is manufactured under the strict quality control, however, that does not mean
that the product is free from failure. For applications to the equipment that may suffer serious
accidents or loss from the failure of this product, install safety devices or backup devices that
prevent such serious accidents or loss.
If you purchase this product with a motor, the applicable driver controller is TSC, TLC, or THC. Please
note that driver controllers other than the above cannot be used.
About product support
We have made all possible efforts to make the content of this manual accurate. However, if you find
any mistake or uncertainty in this manual, please contact THK.
For the following information, please contact THK.
Technical support for this product
About related instruction manuals
When you use the actuator KRF, read the following instruction manuals as necessary.
· Controller series
Driver controller TSC
· Controller series
Driver controller TLC
· Controller series
Driver controller THC
· Controller series
Network unit TNU
· Controller series
Setup tool D-STEP
· Controller series
Digital operator TDO
Product and company information
To find the latest product and company information, we recommend you to periodically access our
Website URL: https://www.thk.com/
Technical support website URL: http://www.tech.thk.com/