Alarm configuration screen use to set the Fire Alarm Trigger Input Ports of the master and slaver matrix.
8 channels of dry contact closure signal from fire control system can be connected to these port. When the
contact closure inputs coming, the microSD2 pre-recorded message or external fire alarm audio will automatic
be page to related zones(by software setting). And the related zones will display“Fire”on the touchscreen to
show now is doing a fire alarm. The fire alarm or emergency audio source can be selected between internal
micro SD2(TF2) or external fire audio input.
Every matrix has 8 channels of dry contact closure input, each input should be configured to any zone or any
combined zone to page audio. White color meas no zone in the contact input. Green color means one or more
zones in the contact input. Yellow means current selected contact input.
Set or modify the contact inputs: Choose any contact input and then click “configure contacts”button to set
or modify the related zones. Double click the zone in the available zones list windows will add the zone to
selected zone windows. Similarly double click assigned zones in the selected zone windows will delete the zone.
Also you can click the deselect button to delete all the zones which have been assigned. When finished all the
contact input configuration click the “save and quit“.
2.5 Alarm Config Screen
2.6 Plan Task Config Screen
Page 35
Version A
20 Bus Assistant Setup Software Part