2.4 Remote Microphone Station Config Screen
Assign the zones to the 132pcs programmable keys on the remote microphone station here. There are four parts on
the mic config screen: RM list windows, RM keys assign windows, available zones list windows, function key button
windows. Every RM has 9 pages programmable keys
16pcs programmable keys in each page
8. Page9 is
for 4pcs fixed quick selected keys.
- Buttons assign operation: double click the zone in the available zones list windows will add the zone to RM keys
windows. Similarly double click the assigned keys in the RM key window will delete the keys. Also you can click the
cancel button to cancel all the zones which have been assigned.
mode: click this button to enter a quick create zone mode.
Create: click the create button in the quick mode, all the smallest selected zone of the matrix output will be set
to zone list windows on the left side with the same name.
- Create a new zone: click the add zone button to create a new zone. And then select output of the matrix for
the new zone.
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Version A
20 Bus Assistant Setup Software Part