3. When the expected baking time is reached, turn the machine 180
degrees counterclockwise.
4. Open lid to make sure the waffle is cooked to your liking. If you want
the waffle to be darker, close the lid and continue to bake until you
are satisfied.
5. Remove the waffle from the grid with a non-metallic cooking utensil.
6. If you want to make a second waffle, close the lid, and wait for the
green light to shut off again.
7. If you want to take a few minutes before cooking the next batch, close
the lid to keep the appliance at baking temperature. Note that the lon-
ger you wait, the hotter the baking plates will become, and the next
waffle may bake faster.
8. Once all your batter is cooked, unplug the power cord from the wall
socket. Open the cover to let the machine cool. Do not wash before it
has cooled down completely.
To make two waffles at a time:
1. Make sure the cooking plates of both the top and bottom level have
cooking oil on them.
2. Using a ladle, pour the batter into the bottom grid of the top level until
filled, so that the top of the grid is completely covered. If necessary,
use a small spatula to even out the batter. Because of the cold batter,
it is normal that the green light turns on again.
3. Close the machine, and rotate it 180 degrees.
4. Open the top lid and repeat step 2 and 3. Wait for at least 2 ½ minutes
before opening the lid, as opening it earlier may cause the waffle bat-
ter to spill, and it will be difficult to clean off.
5. When the expected baking time is reached for the first waffle, turn the
machine 180 degrees.
6. Open the lid to make sure the waffle is cooked to your liking. If you
want the waffle to be darker, close the lid and continue to bake until
you are satisfied.