2016 THine Electronics, Inc.
THine Electronics, Inc.
Security E
Functional Overview
With High Speed CML SerDes, proprietary encoding scheme and CDR (Clock and Data Recovery)
architecture, the THCV235-Q and THCV236-Q enable transmission of 24/30bit video data, 2bits of user defined
data, synchronizing signals HSYNC,VSYNC and DE(Data Enable) as well as any data (up to 35 bit) through
Main-Link by single differential pair cable with minimal external components. In addition, the THCV235-Q and
THCV236-Q have Sub-Link which enables bi-directional transmission of 2-wire serial interface signals, GPIO
signals and also HTPDN/LOCKN signals for Main-Link through the other 1-pair of CML-Line. It does not need
any external frequency reference, such as a crystal oscillator. The THCV235-Q - THCV236-Q system is able to
watch and control peripheral devices via 2-wire serial interface or GPIOs. They also can report interrupt events
caused by change of GPIO inputs and internal statuses.
Functional Description
Internal Reference Output/Input Function (CAPOUT, CAPINA, CAPINP)
An internal regulator produces the 1.2V (CAPOUT). This 1.2V linear regulator can’t supply any other
external loads. Bypass CAPOUT to GND with 10uF.
CAPINP (THCV235-Q only) supplies reference voltage for internal PLL, and CAPINA supplies reference
voltage for any internal analog circuit. Bypass CAPINP/CAPINA to GND with 0.1uF to remove high frequency
noise. CAPOUT, CAPINA and CAPINP must be tied together.
Power supply AVDD is supposed to be stabilized with de-coupling capacitor and series noise filter (for example,
ferrite bead).
Figure 1.
Connection of CAPOUT, CAPINA, CAPINP and Decoupling Capacitor
Power Down (PDN1, PDN0)
PDN1 and PDN0 turn off internal circuitry of Main-Link and Sub-Link separately.
Table 3.
Power Down Setting
Both Main-Link and Sub-Link power down
Only Main-Link is active
Only Sub-Link is active
Both Main-Link and Sub-Link active