Fuel loading
In order to correct add fuel to the boiler follow the next steps:
Stop the fan function by pressing the STOP button. Wait 30 seconds for the fume to exit the
Open the upper door slowly to avoid leakage of smoke. Load a sufficient amount of fuel.
Each loading should be regulated according to the boiler output and the heat demand. Never
load too much to fuel to fill all the fire chamber volume! Maximum fuel should be 70-80%
of the fire chamber volume.
Close the door and secure with the handle.
Start again the fan function by pressing the START button.
When loading fuel in the boiler do not throw them but position them carefully.
Operation mode
The regulator features three selectable methods of regulating the combustion process: CLASSIC,
PID, PID-S. In order to choose the operation mode, press the F button in the main window until
the arrow is in the boiler regulation mode position
. Use „+” or „-" buttons to set value
according to instructions below.
CLASSIC regulation (regulation mode 1)
The method is based on the T1 boiler indication, and consists in decreasing of the airflow power
from Maximum revolutions to Minimum revolutions while achieving the preset boiler
temperature. Revolutions start to be reduced at 5°C (service parameter n7) before the preset
boiler temperature. After achieving the preset boiler temperature, the SUPERVISION mode is
activated, where blow-offs are performed.
PID regulation (regulation mode 2)
This method is based on boiler temperature indications T1, it consists in constant, smooth
modulation of the fan revolutions in order to stabilize the preset boiler temperature. The
regulator itself selects the airflow power in such a way that the boiler generated minimum
amount of heat necessary to satisfy the heat demand of the building. Transition to the
SUPERVISION mode is rare and it happens during lack of heat demand. This is the preset setting
of the boiler.
PID-S regulation with exhaust temperature sensor (regulation mode 3)
This method is based on emission sensor indications T3. It consists in constant, smooth
modulation of the fan revolutions in order to stabilize the preset emission temperature. As
opposed to the PID, the airflow operation is more stable, without excessive increasing of the
airflow power, which makes that method more economical in respect of fuel saving.
After loading the fuel and pushing the START button, the fan operates with maximum revolutions
As the preset emission temperature is approached, the revolutions are automatically reduced.
When the emission temperature reaches the preset temperature for the first time, a slight
adjustment is made.
Moreover, after equipping the regulator with an emission sensor, it is possible to enable very
fast detection of fuel shortage. This provides additional saving of heat energy resulting from
almost instantaneous deactivation of the fan when the fuel runs out. Also, the fuel needs not be
added quickly, as fast detection of the lack of fuel maintains glow in the boiler furnace for a
longer time.
In order to preset the emission temperature, press the “F” button until the following window