Thermo Scientific KingFisher Pure RNA Blood Kit
Thermo Fisher Scientific
General Information
Reagent Specificity and Volumes
A reagent must not be used with any kit other than that for which it is
intended. It is strongly recommended that the volume of reagents in each
well or tube is kept within the limits specified in the
KingFisher Flex User
Manual or KingFisher Duo User Manual to avoid spillover and to maximize
efficiency of performance.
Handling of Magnetic Beads
The KingFisher Magnetic Beads should be mixed thoroughly before use to
avoid the risk of transferring variable amounts of the beads to the respective
wells or tubes. The amount of beads in the wells or tubes affects the yield of
the purified RNA.
Binding, Wash, and Elution Steps
The binding between the purified RNA and the KingFisher Magnetic Beads is
strong in the presence of a chaotropic salt.
The volume of the Elution Buffer can be modified depending on user
requirements concerning the purified RNA concentration. The final RNA
concentration in the Elution Buffer may increase if the purified RNA is eluted
into a smaller than recommended volume of the buffer, but this can slightly
reduce the overall RNA yield. The modifications of the elution step must be
done in BindIt Software 3.2 and according to the volume ranges suitable for
the KingFisher instrument. The table below indicates the available elution
volumes of the KingFisher instruments.