Chapter 5
Load cell connection
5.3 Load cell communication general
When the integrator connects the load cells directly to the summing
block communication cable, the IND131 load cell terminal offered by
Mettler Toledo
is recommended. This product can be mounted inside
the integrator’s e-box on a standard DIN rail. It can be purchased with
any of the communication protocols listed in the previous section. It
offers a seamless solution to interface with the load cells.
All S.U.S. product lines use Mettler Toledo
load cells belonging to the
families listed below. Each unit has exactly three load cells. All wires
are routed into the cart of the vessel, and they are attached to the
summing block. The summing block is located at the back, underside
of the cart.
– Used on all legacy products until ~ March 2014. This
product has been discontinued by Mettler Toledo, and has been
replaced by the Multimount family of load cells.
– Used on all legacy products starting ~March 2014.
MTB load cell
– Used on all Thermo Scientific HyPerforma
and S.U.M.s, except for the 2,000 L units. This load cell type is used on
all S.U.F. products.
Thermo Scientific
Single-Use Systems Integrator’s Guide