Thermo Scientific AquaSensors
Free Chlorine Monitor User Guide
Sensor Filter
Edit the sensor filter with the up/down arrows. Press ENTER to select a new filter value. Press ESC to abort
the new sensor value. The temperature filter edit screen works the same way.
Sensor Filter?
( 1) seconds
The Temperature units selection offers °C and °F in the edit screen.
Chlorine Config (pH Compensation)
When configuring an AV38 for Chlorine measurement, the chlorine DataStick can be connected to channel 1
(DS1) or channel 2 (DS2). If a pH DataStick is to be used for compensation, it must be connected to the other
channel. For example, if a chlorine DataStick is connected to channel 1, then the pH DataStick must be
connected to channel 2.
A Chlorine DataStick connected at channel 1, will bring up a Chlorine Configuration selection in the main menu.
It will allow the measurement value to be selected as free chlorine or HOCL concentration. If free chlorine
concentration is selected, then the pH must be known. If the pH value of the process is constant, the Chlorine
Config menu provides a means to enter a fixed value for pH. If the pH value varies, then the pH can be
measured with a second DataStick sensor connected to the AV38. If a pH DataStick is present, then the
derivation of the free chlorine can be made by the AV38 using the HOCL concentration and temperature
measurements from the Chlorine DataStick, and the pH measurement from the pH DataStick. This is done by
selecting “pH DataStick” in the pH Source screen (under Chlorine Config). If a pH DataStick is not detected by
the AV38, the only option under pH Source will be Fixed pH, where the value of the pH can be entered