CM Oven Service Manual
Lit. No. 94-30-006B
Page 75
The “CM” oven uses 5 wire harnesses to transfer signal voltage
between the DAC control (relay board), display head, and touch
control boards (glued on the glass). The 5 wire harness’ connect to the
corresponding pin headers on the corresponding components (relay
board, display head, touch control board). These 5 wire harness’ are
identified as follows:
Wire Harnesses
2 Wire White Power Harness:
This wire harness has 2 wires and connects
from pin header P8 on the display head to pin
header P2 1 on the left touch control board.
The center hole of the connector is plugged so
it cannot be mis-wired. This harness sends 24
volts AC. To the touch control boards.
7 Wire White Bridge Harness:
This 7 wire harness connects from pin header
P2 on the left side TCB to pin header P2 on the
right side tcb. The #2 hole on the connector
housing is plugged (there is no wire). This
harness sends commands between the left tcb
and the right tcb.
8 Wire Yellow Display Harness:
This 8 wire yellow harness connects from pin
header P10 on the display head to pin header
P10 on the relay board (right rear corner of
relay board). This harness sends display sig-
nals from the relay board back to the display
9 Wire Orange Communication Harness:
This 9 wire harness connects from pin header
P11 on the display head to pin header P11 on
the relay board (right front comer of board).
This harness sends communication signals
from the display head to the relay board.
18 Pin White Communication Harness:
This split wire harness has 18 wires and con-
nects from pin header P1 on the large left side
tcb to pin header P1 on the display head. The
side with the single connector goes to the dis-
play head; the side with the split (2) connector
housings goes to the left side TCB. This harness
sends communication from both the left and
right TCBs to the display head.