Setting/ correcting the date and time
summer/winter time
Automatic summer/winter time
According to version the timer is pre-
programmed ex-works complete with
the change-over. Should you switch off
the automatic facility or wish to alter it,
first of all read the text display.
Select by pressing
Store by pressing
Read the text display first of all.
Select by pressing the key
or key.
Store by pressing the key.
TIMEGUARD LTD, Victory Park, 400 Edgware Road, London NW2 6ND
Tel. 0208/4508944; Fax: 0208/4525143
PETER WARBURTON PTY. LTD., 64 Brittania Road, Castle Hill
NSW 2154, Australia, Tel.: (02) 9899 2908, Fax: (02) 9899 4486
Free Prog to select sum/win change-
over other than EUR-GB-USA.
Select sum/win, and after with
sum/win. Store with .
Select rule FREE – with buttons
or .
Input month and weeks for sum/win.
Store with .
E.g. Month = March
Week 4 = fourth week
Week 5 = last week in month
Note: In sum/win free Prog the time
change is set automatically at
sunday 2 AM.
Time change is not available.