Power Resistance Rods
1. Remove the Locking Clip and
remove the ‘Insert Pin with Hole’
from the Core Support Column,
then fold it down.
2. Select the level of resistance
you need (Yellow, Orange or Red),
then insert the Power Resistance
Rod, arrow first, into the Core
Support Column. Once the Power
Resistance Rod is completely
inserted into the Core Support
Column, turn the Power Resistance
Rod clockwise to lock in place as
illustrated in figure A.
Reposition the Core Support
Column to upright position and
‘Insert Pin with Hole’ to lock into
place and secure with the Locking
Figure A
John Abdo’s “Ab-Do’s!”
• In addition to burning fat and toning muscle, you’ll quickly notice how effective AB Doer 360™ is at loosening
up stiff, sore or stubborn back muscles. And as your waistline shrinks you’ll feel more flexible and less stressed.
AB Doer 360™ is the perfect warm-up and cool-down for work and play.
• If, at first, the movements on your AB Doer 360™ seem a bit awkward, don’t get alarmed; you’re not alone.
Many of the AB Doer 360™ motions are athletic in nature, helping you to also boost your degrees of coordination
which is the communication between your brain, all your muscles, and your metabolism. The more coordinated you
become the better you can move and control your body. AB Doer 360™ technology doesn’t move you, you move
AB Doer 360™; so you’ll always be in control. AB Doer 360™ supports and guides you throughout every position,
whether your body is moving forward, backward, side-to-side and even in circular patterns. Be creative, have fun, and
enjoy unique, productive workouts!
John Abdo’s “Ab-Don’ts!”
• Don’t place your feet together unless recommended for certain motions. Your feet must positioned in a wide,
flat stance firmly planted onto the floor.
• Don’t perform any fast, jerky or explosive movements until your muscles have had a chance to adjust to
many of the AB Doer 360™ motions and routines.
• Don’t perform extreme ranges of motion until your midsection muscles, back and spine have become more
flexible and coordinated.
• Don’t count repetitions. Rather, treat your AB Doer 360™ workouts like other aerobic activities. You wouldn’t
count steps on a treadmill or stepper, or the number of times you punch or kick a heavy bag. Instead, just have
fun and “dance” from a seated position.
• Don’t think about resistance. The first reaction many have when using AB Doer 360™ is that it seems too
easy; but that’s exactly what you’re supposed to feel. The logical comparison is like walking or boxing while
holding onto ‘light’ (not heavy) dumbbells. Even though the dumbbells are ‘light’ in weight, the repetitive action
during a long walk or a boxing session continuously burns calories and tones muscles without increasing
muscle size.
• Don’t exercise intensely every day. This is counter-productive and decreases your body’s ability to recover
properly. The key is to exercise then make certain you’re recovering between sessions.
• Don’t eat junk food. Be wise in your selection and consumption of foods. Your body must be fed nutritious
foods to enable your metabolism to burn fat and repair and recharge your muscles, bones, nerves and organs.
• Avoid consumption of alcohol, drugs or smoking prior or during use.
• Don’t close your eyes while exercising or perform your routines in a poorly lit or dark room.
• Never stand or kneel on this product.
• Carefully watch where and how you position your body, face, hands, fingers, feet and legs during assembly,
all height adjustments, affixing and/or removing any of the items, or transporting to use in another location or
store away.
• Don’t ever use your AB Doer 360™ as a clothes hanger!