Let’s go skating in your living room!
The Armbars can be positioned underneath the arms for Beginners while the overhead position is suggested
for more advanced participants. This unique, fun and results-producing motion will activate the swivel-action
function of your ‘Dynamic Fluidity Seat”. Start slow to get yourself coordinated to the side-to-side motions
that mimic skating.
After you’re securely seated in the SP firmly grip the Dynamic Grip Handles and begin alternating lateral motions
with your legs pivoting your entire body from left-to-right as your buttock/pelvic region swivels in a skating
action. As your legs dart out away from your body always lean into the actions with your torso to activate your
back, ab and oblique muscles while every muscle in your legs, hips and buttocks are being conditioned at the
same time.
Find a comfortable tempo and actually pretend you’re in a cross-country skating challenge for distance and/
or time. You can stagger the tempo, like performing 1-minute at a moderate speed and range-of-motion, then
sprint it out for the next minute. Either way, your body will truly enjoy the creativity and versatility of this unique
and highly productive motion that burns fat all over your body. It’s amazingly effective!
1. Remove the ‘Insert Pin’ and detach the ‘2-Pack
Massage Rollers’
3. Fold down the ‘Core Support Column’ toward the
‘Dynamic Fluidity Seat’ by releasing the Locking Clip
and removing the ‘Insert Pin with Hole’.
2. Fold down the ‘Contouring Arm Bars’
4. After the ‘Core Support Column’ is folded down
onto the ‘Dynamic Fluidity Seat’, re-insert the ‘Insert
Pin with Hole’ into the ‘bracket’ to lock the ‘Core
Support Column’ into place and secure with the
Locking Clip.