Exciter Configuration Description
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Affinity LBD-200C-N1 Transmitter
Product Manual
10 Sirius DVB-H Exciter Description
Exciter front-view
Exciter rear-view
10.1 Introduction
The Thales Sirius DVB-H Digital RF Exciter, which is integrated in the Affinity® LBD-200C-N1
transmitter, is part of the family of state-of-the-art Digital Modulator/RF Exciters based on a
unique hardware platform capable of delivering the proper pre-corrected RF low power DVB-H,
ATSC, DRM or other processing waveform signal to an amplifying chain. The Exciter is
contained in an independent 19” 2RU unit and includes all necessary power supplies and
interfaces. This very powerful platform is based on open standard technologies, and the latest
generation of FPGA processing.
For single drive configuration, the front panel of the RF exciter includes a LCMP (Local Control
& Monitoring Panel) made of a 2 RU front panel including a display and dedicated control
Extended or remote operation can be achieved by using an embedded Web server from a
standard browser, or through the Omnitronix SNMP manager.