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Affinity LBD-200C-N1 Transmitter
Product Manual
7.1.5 Installation of Power Amplifier Segments
The Power Amplifier Segments (PAS) slide into the sub-chassis amplifier bay on nylon slides
and connect to the PA Backplane via floating connectors. The key-lock switch, located on the
amplifier front panel, must be in the OFF/UNLOCKED position to plug the segment in. This
removes the potential for arcing between connections before the segment is fully engaged.
Once the segment is slid into place, thumbscrews on the front panel secure the segment to the
sub-chassis. The key-lock switch may be turned to the ON/LOCKED position to apply power to
the amplifier segment. Once the key-lock switch is turned on, the segment will automatically set
the gain and currents of the amplifier.
Amplifier positions within the Affinity® LBD-200C-N1 transmitter sub-chassis