Usage Notes and Known Design Exceptions to Functional Specifications
SPRZ412K – December 2013 – Revised February 2020
Copyright © 2013–2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TMS320F2837xD Dual-Core MCUs Silicon Revisions C, B, A, 0
HRPWM: HRCNFG Register Reads and Bit-Wise Writes
Revision(s) Affected
0, A
For even-numbered HRPWM modules (2, 4, 6, and 8), HRCNFG register reads return all
0s instead of the actual register contents. Full register writes to HRCNFG do work.
For odd-numbered HRPWM modules (1, 3, 5, and 7), HRCNFG register reads work
Do not perform bit-wise (read-modify-write) writes using the ‘HRCNFG.bit’ register
structures on even-numbered HRPWM modules. This would result in the clearing of
other bits in the HRCNFG register.
Do not perform bit-wise writes to HRCNFG using the debugger window on even-
numbered HRPWM modules. This would result in the clearing of other bits in the
HRCNFG register.
Do not read the even-numbered HRPWM module registers or use the contents in any
Only modify the entire register with ‘HRCNFG.all’ when writing to the even-numbered
HRPWM module registers.
SYSBIOS in ROM References Different Flash Sector (Changed From Sector A to
Sector B)
Revision(s) Affected
0, A
This advisory applies only to applications using SYSBIOS components available in ROM.
The Flash memory region referenced by the SYSBIOS in ROM has changed from Sector
A to Sector B.
The linker command file should be changed as follows:
On silicon revisions 0 and A, use Sector A:
SYSBIOS_FLASH: origin = 0x080010, length = 0x0007BE
On future silicon revisions, use Sector B:
SYSBIOS_FLASH: origin = 0x082000, length = 0x000824
McBSP: McBSP Transmit in SPI Slave Mode
Revision(s) Affected
0, A
When using the McBSP peripheral in SPI Slave mode, the data transmitted to the
Master (SOMI) is incorrect.
McBSP in SPI Slave mode receives data properly from the master.
Do not transmit data using SPI Slave mode of the McBSP.