Reset Status Flags on This Tab On Next Write
Resets all of the flags on this tab the next time the "Write" button is clicked.
9. High Threshold Monitor Enable
Enables monitoring of that particular sensor for a sample value that exceeds or is equal to the
threshold value set in "Sensor Threshold Config." tab. If the sample meets that condition, the status for
that sensor (in the same group box) changes to indicate that condition.
10. Low Threshold Monitor Enable
Enables monitoring of that particular sensor for a sample value for that is less than or equal to the
threshold value set in "Sensor Threshold Config." tab. If the sample meets that condition, the status for
that sensor (in the same group box) changes to indicate that condition.
RF430FRL152HEVM User's Guide
SLAU607 – December 2014
Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated