24. Check For Unexpected Reset
If this option is selected, and an unexpected reset occurs, the reset code is logged at the end of the
logging memory.
25. Disconnect Battery At Sampling End
When the sampling process has been completed, this option causes the ROM code to open the battery
26. End of Sampling External Interrupt Enable
When the sampling process has completed, this option causes an external interrupt to be generated.
27. Voltage Levels Alert
When these are set, it indicates that the voltage levels have gone too low on a particular rail at some
point. Not self clearing.
28. BIP8 Control
Error detection for I
C or SPI protocol
29. Infinite Sampling
Samples until the "Start Sampling Process" option is unchecked.
30. Enable Watchdog
Enables the watchdog during a sampling process.
31. RAM Storage Enable
Writes sampling results into RAM memory instead of FRAM.
32. Read only this tab
Reads Gen. Device Config and populates the results on this tab.
33. Write only this tab
Writes Gen. Device Config with all of the settings on this tab.
34. Read All Tabs
Reads all of the information on all of the tabs from the virtual FRAM registers in the device using RF
and populates the fields in the tabs.
35. Write All Tabs
Writes all of the information to the virtual FRAM registers in the device over RF from all of the settings.
Settings made on the following tabs do not take effect until a "Write only this tab" or "Write
All Tabs" button is clicked:
Gen. Device Config.
Sensor Config.
Alarm Control
Sensor Threshold Config.
Likewise, the settings on these tabs are not updated until a "Read only this tab" or "Read All
Tabs" button is clicked.
SLAU607 – December 2014
RF430FRL152HEVM User's Guide
Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated