SPRUHU4D—February 2016
Read This First
SPRUHU4D—February 2016
Read This First
About This Manual
This manual describes TI-RTOS for MSP43x. The version number as of the publication of this manual is
Notational Conventions
This document uses the following conventions:
Program listings, program examples, and interactive displays are shown in a special typeface.
Examples use a bold version of the special typeface for emphasis.
Here is a sample program listing:
Square brackets ( [ and ] ) identify an optional parameter. If you use an optional parameter, you
specify the information within the brackets. Unless the square brackets are in a
typeface, do not
enter the brackets themselves.
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February 9, 2016
#include <xdc/runtime/System.h>
int main(void)
System_printf("Hello World!\n");
return (0);