Quick Start
vs Temperature Sweep
Select “Running Plot/Data Log” from the panel on the left of the main window. Select the “Temperature
Sweep” tab. The following page will be shown:
Figure 9.
“START” will begin the plot of the transfer function as it is implemented in the LUT. For each data point in
the plot the program overrides the internal temperature sensor; that is, it injects a temperature value into
the signal path, and reads back the resulting values presented as inputs to DAC0 and DAC1.
“Start Value” and “Stop Value” controls set the temperature span of the transfer function plot.
“Step” control sets the step size of the plot. This value is expressed in terms of LSB of the temperature
sensor; that is, Step=1 is equivalent to 1/16th of °C (0.0625°C).
“STOP” terminates the plot routine.
When plot is completed, or when “STOP” is pressed, a text log file is created in the ‘C:/Program
Data/Texas Instruments/LMP92066 EVM GUI/Logs/Datalog’ directory.
SNAU153 – MARCH 2014
LMP92066 Dual Temperature-Controlled DAC Evaluation Module
Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated