Quick Start
To Burn the EEPROM, that is, to copy the data from the operating memory to the non-volatile memory,
press “BURN EEPROM” button.
At the time of writing this manual, Texas Instruments ensured the performance of the
EEPROM for up to 10 write cycles (Burns).
Time Log
Select “Running Plot/Data Log” from the panel on the left of the main window. Select the “Running Plot &
Data Log” tab if not already activated. The following page will be shown:
Figure 8.
The ‘START’ button begins the running plot (strip chart) of the Temperature sensor output and the
corresponding V
output values for the given LUT – as implemented in
. The GUI reads the
internal TEMPM/TEMPL, DAC0M/DAC0L, and DAC1M/DAC1L registers and computes the equivalent
temperature (°C), and voltage at V
outputs (here the assumption is made that the internal DAC
reference is 5 V, and the DAC itself is ideal). The sampling interval can be set with the “Sampling Time”
“STOP” terminates the logging. At that time a text log file is created in the ‘C:/Program Data/Texas
Instruments/LMP92066 EVM GUI/Logs/Datalog’ directory that contains the plot data.
At any time when the “Running Plot & Data Log” is executing, the user can select the “Data Path
Control” page to verify the state of the device – press “Read All” to refresh the display. For
example, the state of the OVRD_CNTL register (controls the OVERRIDE multiplexers in the signal
path), and DACx_BASEM.BYP (controls the multiplexer at the output of the LUT/ALU/Sum) will
affect the “Running Plot” output.
LMP92066 Dual Temperature-Controlled DAC Evaluation Module
SNAU153 – MARCH 2014
Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated