SLAU678A – March 2016 – Revised April 2016
Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
MSP430FR5994 LaunchPad™ Development Kit (MSP
Figure 22. Directing the Project>Import Function to the Demo Project
Selecting the \CCS subdirectory also works. The CCS-specific files are located there.
When you click OK, CCS should recognize the project and allow you to import it. The indication that CCS
has found it is that the project appears in the box shown in 19, and it has a checkmark to the left of it.
Figure 23. When CCS Has Found the Project
Sometimes CCS finds the project but does not show a checkmark. This might mean that the workspace
already has a project by that name. Resolve this conflict by renaming or deleting that project. Even if you
do not see it in the CCS workspace, check the workspace directory on the file system.