Software Examples
SLAU678A – March 2016 – Revised April 2016
Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
MSP430FR5994 LaunchPad™ Development Kit (MSP
Figure 13. Live Temperature Mode
The MSP430FR5994 first sends two ADC calibration constants for the temperature sensor to the PC GUI.
It then sets up its 12-bit ADC for sampling and converting the signals from its internal temperature sensor.
A hardware timer is also configured to trigger the ADC conversion every 0.125 seconds before the device
enters low-power mode 3 to conserve power. As soon as the ADC sample and conversion is complete,
the raw ADC data is sent the through the UART backchannel to the PC GUI.
As the raw ADC data is received by the PC GUI, Celsius and Fahrenheit units are calculated first. The PC
GUI keeps a buffer of the most recent 100 temperature measurements, which are graphed against the
current time of the PC on the Incoming Data panel.
A red horizontal line is drawn across the data plot to indicate the moving average of the incoming data.
To exit this mode, click the Stop button under Live Temp Mode. You must exit this mode before starting
the other modes.
FRAM Log Mode
To enter the FRAM Log Mode, click the Start button under FRAM Log Mode in the GUI Application
Controls panel. The PC GUI also sends its current timestamp over UART to be stored in the LaunchPad
development kit. This timestamp is later used to extrapolate the X-axis time values when the FRAM
logged data are transferred to the GUI (see