SNLS459 – APRIL 2011
Using the Internal Eye Opening Monitor
Register 0x11, bits 7:6 and bit 5, Register 0x22, bit 7, Register 0x24, bit 7 and bit 0, Register 0x25, Register
0x26, Register 0x27, Register 0x28, Register 0x2a and Register 0x3e, bit 7
The DS125RT410 includes an internal eye opening monitor. The eye opening monitor is used by the retimer to
compute a figure of merit for automatic adaptation of the CTLE. It can also be controlled and queried through the
SMBus by a system controller.
The eye opening monitor produces error hit counts for settable phase and voltage offsets of the comparator in
the retimer. This is similar to the way many Bit Error Rate Test Sets measure eye opening. At each phase and
amplitude offset setting, the eye opening monitor determines the nominal bit value (“0” or “1”) using its primary
comparator. This is the bit value that is resynchronized to the recovered clock and presented at the output of the
DS125RT410. The eye opening monitor also determines the bit value detected by the offset comparator. This
information yields an eye contour. Here's how this works.
If the offset comparator is offset in voltage by an amount larger than the vertical eye opening, for example, then
the offset comparator will always decide that the current bit has a bit value of “0”. When the bit is really a “1”, as
determined by the primary comparator, this is considered a bit error. The number of bit errors is counted for a
settable interval at each setting of the offset phase and voltage of the offset comparator. These error counts can
be read from registers 0x25 and 0x26 for sequential phase and voltage offsets. These error counts for all phase
and voltage offsets form a 64 X 64 point array. A surface or contour plot of the error hit count versus phase and
voltage offset produces an eye diagram, which can be plotted by external software.
The eye opening monitor works in two modes. In the first, only the horizontal and vertical eye openings are
measured. The eye opening monitor first sweeps its variable-phase clock through one unit interval with the
comparison voltage set to the mid point of the signal. This determines the midpoint of the horizontal eye opening.
The eye opening monitor then sets its variable phase clock to the midpoint of the horizontal eye opening and
sweeps its comparison voltage. These two measurements determine the horizontal and vertical eye openings.
The horizontal eye opening value is read from register 0x27 and the vertical eye opening from register 0x28.
Both values are single byte values.
The measurement of horizontal and vertical eye opening is very fast. The speed of this measurement makes it
useful for determining the adaptation figure of merit. In normal operation, the HEO and VEO are automatically
measured periodically to determine whether the DS125RT410 is still in lock. Reading registers 0x27 and 0x28
will yield the most-recently measured HEO and VEO values.
In normal operation, the eye monitor circuitry is powered down most of the time to save power. When the eye is
to be measured under external control, it must first be enabled by writing a 0 to bit 5 of register 0x11. The default
value of this bit is 1, which powers down the eye monitor except when it is powered-up periodically by the CDR
state machine and used to test CDR lock. The eye monitor must be powered up to measure the eye under
external SMBus control.
Bits 7:6 of register 0x11 are also used during eye monitor operation to set the EOM voltage range. This is
described below. A single write to register 0x11 can set both bit 5 and bits 7:6 in one operation.
Register 0x3e, bit 7, enables horizontal and vertical eye opening measurements as part of the lock validation
sequence. When this bit is set, the CDR state machine periodically uses the eye monitor circuitry to measure the
horizontal and vertical eye opening. If the eye openings are too small, according to the pre-determined
thresholds in register 0x6a, then the CDR state machine declares lock loss and begins the lock acquisition
process again. For SMBus acquisition of the internal eye, this lock monitoring function must be disabled. Prior to
overriding the EOM by writing a 1 to bit 0 of register 0x24, disable the lock monitoring function by writing a 0 to
bit 7 of register 0x3e. Once the eye has been acquired, you can reinstate HEO and VEO lock monitoring by once
again writing a 1 to bit 7 of register 0x3e.
Under external SMBus control, the eye opening monitor can be programmed to sweep through all its 64 states of
phase and voltage offset autonomously. This mode is initiated by setting register 0x24, bit 7, the fast_eom mode
bit. Register 0x22, bit 7, the eom_ov bit, should be cleared in this mode.
When the fast_eom bit is set, the eye opening monitor operation is initiated by setting bit 0 of register 0x24,
which is self-clearing. As soon as this bit is set, the eye opening monitor begins to acquire eye data. The results
of the eye opening monitor error counter are stored in register 0x25 and 0x26. In this mode the eye opening
monitor results can be obtained by repeated multi-byte reads from register 0x25. It is not necessary to read from
register 0x26 for a multi-byte read. As soon as the eight most significant bits are read from register 0x25, the
eight least significant bits for the current setting are loaded into register 0x25 and they can be read immediately.
Copyright © 2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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