Air Entrainment Meters
0.5 litre; model: TESTING 1.0334 0,75 litre; model: TESTING 1.0337
1 litre; model: TESTING 1.0335 5 litre; model: TESTING 2.0332
7 litre; model: TESTING 2.0337 8 litre; model: TESTING 2.0334
Page 10 of 42 pages
1.6 Technical data
1.6.1 Operation of the system
These air entrainment meters operate on the principle of Boyle-
Mariott’s law. The system
measures the air content of the fresh mortar or fresh concrete in accordance with a
pressure-equalization process. These air entrainment meters have a pressure chamber in
which a specified air pressure is produced by a hand pump. When an overflow valve is
opened, pressure equalization is established with respect to the test pot, which is filled
with the fresh mortar or fresh concrete. The pressure drop is a measure of the air content
in the material.
Basic instructions for use:
Please observe the following instructions for use of the hand pump:
Position of the pump piston, depending on the function required:
(i.e., not screwed
The piston rod must always
be in this position for
conduct of testing.
Screwed down tight
For transport, the piston
rod must be screwed down
as shown here.