The RF Test Program
3.14.1 Procedure for one to one transmit/receive test
1). Assumption here in this section is, you have two TK-78K0R/KG3+UD
boards, in one of which the execution code for the “RF_TEST” was
programmed by the debugger. You also prepare two PCs or one PC with
more than one usb interface.
one PC with USB interface and hyper-terminal to control the transmitter side
of the board, and the other one with USB interface to the second PC for
debugging at the receiver board.
Execute terminal software.
use as Stand alone.
Execute ID78K0R-QB.
Debugger use.
Short address : 0001
Short address : 0002
2). Now, you designate one TK-78K0R/KG3+UD board loaded with the
execution code in the previous procedure as a transmitter. Another board,
which is not loaded with the execution code is now designated as a receiver,
which send back the test result to the sender. The receiver board can work
without PC, but now, you set this board to the debug mode. Please set the
switches on the receiver board as follows.
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