Debugger tips
This section describes some useful techniques for the debugger (ID78K0R-QB).
7.3.1 Change display of buttons
Execution controls (run, stop, step-in debugging, reset, etc) and opening
functional window can be made by below buttons. However, it could be difficult
to know which button does what.
In this case, select "Options" on menu bar, then "Debugger Options". Check
"Pictures and Text" on setting area.
With this setting, the buttons display the text as well, so that it is easier to know
what they are.
7.3.2 Display source list and function list
When you wish to see source file list or function list, select "Browse" on menu
bar, then "Other" -> "List" to open the list window. The information in the
windows is synchronized. Therefore, it is not just for referring to the list, but it is
useful when you wish to update files or functions.
Source window shows "game1"
When you click "game1"...
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