Copyright Tes Drying Systems, 2014
Heater Set-up Procedures
The best way to dry wet carpet, hardwood floors and walls is to implement the Reets Evaporation Method
utilizing your E-TES SD unit. The following steps will explain how to this method can be applied for drying
different surfaces.
Carpet Drying
Step #1 – Extraction
This is the key for any drying. Extract as much of the water as possible with your portable or truck
mounted equipment. A weighted extraction tool will compress the padding and carpet to remove more
water. The more you remove with extraction, the faster the carpet will dry. Test extraction by squeezing
the pad in your hand. Continue extracting until no more water can be squeezed out. If this level of
extraction cannot be achieved, remove the pad.
Step #2 - Energy applied directly to the water
To contain the heat and apply the energy (heat) to the carpet and
Set the snout of the E-TES SD unit under the carpet to create a
“soft float”.
Pull up one corner of the carpet in the wet area and set the E-
TES SD unit in the corner, on top of the pad. Larger rooms
may require additional E-TES SD units. Leave 3-6 inches
between the back of the E-TES SD box and the wall.
Pull the carpet up over the snout and secure the carpet to the E-
TES SD unit with the carpet clamp. Then pull the E-TES SD
back toward the wall to pull the carpet tight. Pulling the carpet
tight will eliminate or reduce carpet flapping during the float.
Now place the one or two 10 lb. sandbags on the carpet, along the
wall, on each side of the unit to hold down the carpet and prevent
it from pulling off of the tack strip.
Cut the pad on each side of the E-TES SD unit and fold the pad
up on top of the carpet. This will help seal the space between the
carpet and the floor on each side of the E-TES SD unit to reduce air escaping.
Secure the pad to the carpet with pad pins or use Foam Filler to make a good
seal. A good seal will increase the amount of heated air flowing under the
carpet and improve the float.