PHASE X24 (English)
A click on the Background, Text, Static Controls and Peakmeter buttons opens the
Windows dialog to change the colors.
The “Reflections off” option disables the attractive reflections of the elements. This can be
helpful for slower systems.
Test the settings made above in the right-hand part of the window and save them when
you're satisfied.
Once saved, you can find your personal color settings in the dropdown menu, which
already contains a number of examples. The “Windows System” color set uses only colors
that display correctly at an 8-bit color depth.
Faced with such a wealth of settings, it would be pretty tedious to have to set things up by
hand every time. Needless to say, you can count on us to make your life easier with our
extremely practical “Scenes” menu item. Simply save all of your control and fader settings
at the click of a button and reload them whenever you need them.
The settings for
Standalone mode
will also be saved here if you don't assign a name to
the scene. If the PHASE X24 FW system is then powered up without being connected to a
computer, it can be used as a high-quality microphone preamp or D/A converter. Simply
set up the routing as needed and save the scene without a name.