AXON AIX 101/103 (English)
AXON AIX 101/103 Guitar/Bass Pickup
The AIX-101/103 is a high-performance guitar synthesizer pickup for use with the Ter-
raTec AXON Guitar-To-MIDI Controller. Correctly installed and set up, it provides full MIDI
capabilities to virtually any electric guitar or bass, or any steel-string acoustic guitar. The
AXON AIX 101 is the pickup for six-string guitars, while AXON AIX 103 designates the
pickup for bass guitars with up to 6 strings. The illustrations in the following instructions all
show the AIX 101. The installation process for the AIX 103 bass pickup is identical, how-
ever. Please read these instructions with care and perform the steps in the order listed
here to ensure trouble-free operation.