AXON AIX 101/103 (English)
Mounting with bracket
This mounting method has the advantage of not requiring screws to attach the controller
to the instrument body. Before attaching the bracket to the instrument, remove the screws
indicated by arrows on the underside of the controller and use the screws to mount the
bracket to the controller as shown.
Apply two spacers (with double-sided adhesive) to the bracket to prevent scratching the
instrument's finish and attach the controller to the instrument as shown.
(with double-sided
As an elegant alternative, you can also attach the bracket to the instrument with the strap
button (using spacers if possible to avoid scratches). Loosen the strap button of the in-
strument by unscrewing it a couple of turns and insert the slot of the bracket under the
button. Tighten the screw to secure the bracket to the body.