Now, you can see in the data guard task list that your created task is listed. The
task status will say “Processing” untill the “Stop” button is pressed.
Schedule Backup:
click on “Schedule Backup” and this screen will. 2 different
choices can be selected from, folder to folder, folder to external device.
Let’s use “Folder to External device” backup for our example. From the NAS
volume RAID in the Source pane select the folder “NAS_Public”, then in the
target pane select the external USB disk folder “N10850”.
Next, fill in the task name and related settings.
Schedule Backup
Task Name
Input the task name, length limited to 4~12 characters.
Create Sub-folder
If you choose to create a sub-folder, then it will use the task name
as folder name then copy the source under it. Or it will copy the
source to the same level as the destination.
Sync Type
Select “Incremental” or “Synchronize”.
Log Location
Select from the drop down list where the task log will be stored.
Enable Schedule
Click to enable. If it is not checked, the task won’t start unless you
select the associate task and click “Start” from the task list page.
Specify the time for the backup to start.
Can choose daily, weekly or monthly.