Chapter 4: Software
The CAN driver software interface is shown in the header file: \tern\186\include\can.h.
The library file for the CANE implementation is at location: \tern\186\lib\can.lib, and
CAN messages are defined using this CanMsg structure (similar to SJA1000 hardware representation):
typedef struct _can_msg {
UCHAR8 descriptor[2];
UCHAR8 data[8];
} CanMsg;
The two-byte descriptor field consists of message ID (11 bits), Remote-Transmission-Request/RTR flag (1
bit), and Data Length Code/DLC value (4 bits). These fields can be accessed on a message using these
macros defined in can.h:
SET_CAN_MSG_ID(msg, val)
SET_CAN_MSG_RTR(msg, val)
SET_CAN_MSG_DLC(msg, val)
TERN firmware drivers use a ring-buffer to store messages for transmit and receipt. The overall
mechanism is similar to standard serial port implementation (see section 4.1). The best sample
demonstrating these functions is: \tern\186\samples\cane\can_echo.c
int can_set_hw
Arguments: unsigned char board_type
Return values: none
This function configures the CAN port according to the architecture of your board. This function should be
called first, before any other CAN function is accessed. Available
values are defined in
can.h. If this call is not accurate, the CAN port can not be accessed.
For the CAN-Engine, this call should read:
int can_init
Arguments: unsigned char baud, CanMsg* inputBuf, int iSize, CanMsg*
outputBuf, int oSize, unsigned char address, unsigned char mask
Return values: 0 for success, non-zero error code.
This function is used to initialize message buffer support for the CAN port.
- specifies the baud rate to be used for communication; supported values are defined in can.h. These
include: 1MHz, 500KHz, 250KHz, 125KHz, 100KHz, 50KHz, 20KHz, and 10KHz. Note: at higher baud
rates, termination resistors may be required on your TERN board for clean transmit and receive.
inputBuf, iSize
– these variables represent the ring-buffer allocated for receiving messages.
inputBuf should be a CanMsg array, while iSize indicates the size of the array. TERN drivers will inject
messages into this array on an interrupt-driven basis.