fresh air/waste gas pipe supplied with the device. Never connect it
to the regular chimneys.
The life time of the water heater which is determined by
department of industry is 10 years.
Thanks to its feature of digital constant water setting, the water
temperature will remain constant in the degree you set.
The fuel efficiency is reduced in low water temperature as your
device can operate in the desired constant water temperatures.
By the automatic water controlled on/off system, when the water
valve is opened, the water heater will be ignite automatically and the
hot water flow will be provided. When the water valve is closed, the
water flow will stop and the flame will be off automatically.
Thanks to its feature of operating with low pressure water, it will not
be affected by the low water pressure that occurs in the high
apartment flats. 2 mSS
The temperature control adjustment buttons make for users easy to
obtain different water temperature that they desire.
By the high temperature safety system, in case of the water getting
hotter than it is needed, the gas will be cut off automatically and the
damage of the water heater will be prevented.
Fan provides exhaust air inside water heater and get fresh air inside
the water heater by operating 2~4 before ignition. Fan continues to
blow for 10 sec after water cut off and flame off. In this way, gases
inside the heater exhaust.
Thanks to the safe and reliable design of the combustion system, the
air is taken from outside by the fan for the purpose of the combustion
and it is sent out again after the combustion.