Making calls as usual
Establishing several connections
Speaking with one specific conference party
If you want to remove a conference party from a conference in order to speak
specifically with the other conference party:
Select Interchange conf Ptn if you want to speak specifically with the second
conference party.
Scroll to the out of conf. xxxx menu item.
Confirm your selection. You can now speak alone with the desired
subscriber. To speak with both parties again, select the Conference with xxxx menu
Interconnecting conference partners
During the conference:
Replace the handset.
Disconnecting conference parties specifically
During the conference:
Select Interchange conf Ptn if you want to disconnect the conference party from the
conference to whom you were connected first. Otherwise the party who joins the
conference last is always disconnected.
Disconnect the subscriber.
Ending the conference
During the conference:
Scroll to the End conference menu item.
Confirm your selection. There is now no longer a connection between the
conference parties.