IB 328299 (11--2011)
8. Remove both control panels. (Fig. 8 / Fig. 9)
Mark panels with wire locations to make
later reassembly easier.
FIG. 8
FIG. 9
9. Remove the headlight, if equipped. (Fig. 10 /
Fig. 7)
FIG. 10
10. Remove the shroud. (Fig. 11 / Fig. 7)
FIG. 11
11. Remove the corner shroud. (Fig. 7)
12. Use the provided socket (4) to loosen the
four socket screws in the steering coupling.
(Fig. 12)
FIG. 12
13. Remove the hardware from the two lower
cable clamp on the steering channel. Leave
cable clamps loose on wire harness. (Fig. 13)
FIG. 13
If necessary, remove upper cable clamp
located above clamp in Fig. 13 to loosen main
wire harness from steering channel.