Training goal for Olympic-style Weight-lifts:
After selecting the “Olympic-style Weight-lifts” exercises, no training goal is displayed. For these
exercises, Peak Velocity is preset in the main numerical panel.
5.8 Command “Delete”
Delete a whole training activity or a selected repetition.
If you have performed at least one rep, the application displays the “
” command in the top
right corner.
Tap “
” to see the Delete menu:
Delete selected rep
- This command clears the current repetition displayed in the main
numerical panel
Delete All reps
- Delete all reps
6 Saving an activity to MyUnit memory
6.1 New Activity
The “
New Activit
y” command resets all loaded data (if any) and allows you to start a new activity.
Tapping on “
New Activity
” will automatically save the previously measured data.
The exercise name and the settings will remain the same.