7-2 Exception Responses
If the controller receives a message which contains a corrupted character (parity check error, framing error etc.),
or if the CRC16 check fails, the controller ignores the message. However, if the controller receives a syntactically
correct message which contains an illegal value, it will send an exception response, consisting of five bytes as follows:
slave aoffset function code + exception code + CRC16 Hi +CRC16 Lo
Where the offset function code is obtained by adding the function code with 128 (ie. function 3 becomes H'83), and the exception
code is equal to the value contained in the following table:
Exemption Code Name Cause
1 Bad Function Code Function code is not supported by the controller
2 Illegal data address Register address out of range
3 Illegal data value Data value out of range or attempt to write
a read-only or protected data
7-3 Parameter Table
Register Parameter Parameter Scale Scale Notes
Address Notation Low High
0 SP1 Set Point 1 *4 *4 R/W
1 SP2 Set Point 2 *7 *7 R/W
2 SP3 Set Point 3 *6 *6 R/W
3 LOCK Lock code 0 65535 R/W
4 INPT Input sensor selection 0 65535 R/W
5 UNIT Measuring unit 0 65535 R/W
6 DP Decimal point position 0 65535 R/W
7 INLO Low scale value for linear input *4 *4 R/W
8 INHI High scale value for linear input *4 *4 R/W
9 SP1L Low limit of SP1 *4 *4 R/W
10 SP1H High Limit of SP1 *4 *4 R/W
11 SHIF PV shift value *4 *4 R/W
12 FILT Filter time constant 0 65535 R/W
13 DISP Display form 0 65535 R/W
14 PB P (proportional) band *5 *5 R/W
15 TI Integral time 0 65535 R/W
16 TD Derivative time 0.0 6553.5 R/W
17 OUT1 Output 1 function 0 65535 R/W
18 O1TY Output 1 signal type 0 65535 R/W
19 O1FT Output 1 failure transfer -1999.9 4553.6 R/W
20 O1HY Output 1 ON-OFF hysteresis *5 *5 R/W
21 CYC1 Output 1 cycle time 0.0 6553.5 R/W
22 OFST Offset value for P control 0.0 6553.5 R/W
23 RAMP Ramp function 0 65535 R/W
24 RR Ramp rate *5 *5 R/W
25 OUT2 Output 2 function 0 65535 R/W
26 RELO Retransmission low scale value *4 *4 R/W
27 O2TY Output 2 signal type 0 65535 R/W
28 O2FT Output 2 failure transfer -1999.9 4553.6 R/W
29 O2HY Output 2 ON-OFF hysteresis *5 *5 R/W
30 CYC2 Output 2 cycle time 0.0 6553.5 R/W
31 CPB Cooling P band 0 65535 R/W
32 DB Heating-cooling dead band -1999.9 4553.6 R/W
Summary of Contents for tec-220
Page 2: ...NOTES...
Page 4: ...NOTES...
Page 8: ...4 1 5 Menu Overview...
Page 9: ...5 1 6 Parameter Descriptions...
Page 10: ...6 1 6 Parameter Descriptions continued...
Page 22: ...18 NOTES...
Page 34: ...30 Table A 1 Error Codes and Corrective Actions A 1 Error Codes...