Doorphone AA-539
Page 31 of 57
8.5.2. CASE 2 – drive of two electric locks with system powered with telephone line only
In this example AA-539H activates the two separate electric locks with a pulse of voltage common to the two
electric locks. In the example the relay1 acts on the electric lock of driveway gate and triggers the relay2 to follow
for activate the electric lock of the pedestrian gate. Please note that is needed to connect the terminal blocks TB1
and TB3 as shown, the power supply is unique and common for the two locks and nothing should be connected to
terminal TB4 for the supply of AA-539H (that feeds itself from the telephone line connected to the terminal block
TB2). The connections to be made during the stages of installation are shown in dashed lines. This mode of
operation can not be achieved with systems equipped with electromechanical relays.
In this example, the correct values of the parameters involved in the management of the relays could be:
parameter 138 = 0
the relay1 is activated by telephone code
parameter 144 = 1
the relay2 is activated with a delay linked to the activation of relay1
parameter 145 = 40
waiting time in seconds before activate the relay 2 after activation of relay 1
parameter 137 = 2
pulse time opening pedestrian gate, relay1, in seconds
parameter 142 = 2
activation time of relay2, in seconds
Pedestrian gate
electric lock
Driveway gate
electric lock
Power supply