Doorphone AA-514
Page 48 of 56
Range = valori possibili
Spazio per
le vs scelte
3000 #
Additional access
code number 000
It contains the additional access code number 0 and its
associated realy. The code is always composed of 4 digits. In
addition it is necessary to insert an additional digit that will be
the number of the relay which is activate according to the
following convention:
0=No activate relays
1=Activate relay 1
2= Activate relay 2
3= Activate relays 1+2
Range: 5 digit, values 0-9
3001 #
Additional access
code number 001
It contains the additional access code number 1 and its
associated realy. The code is always composed of 4 digits. In
addition it is necessary to insert an additional digit that will be
the number of the relay which is activate according to the
following convention:
0=No activate relays
1=Activate relay 1
2=Activate relay 2
3=Activate relays 1+2
Range: 5 digit, values 0-9
3199 #
Additional access
code number 199
It contains the additional access code number 199 and its
associated realy. The code is always composed of 4 digits. In
addition it is necessary to insert an additional digit that will be
the number of the relay which is activate according to the
following convention:
0=No activate relays
1=Activate relay 1
2=Activate relay 2
3=Activate relays 1+2
Range: 5 digit, values 0-9
Below is shown the system with the AA-516K expansion. Entering the door opener code (the one that is set in the
parameters 124-125-126) must be made on the numeric keypad preceded by the star key (*).
Additional parameters available regarding the direct selection of contact numbers. When this table is compiled
allows to activate the security function of some company internal extension or to make selectable only those listed
here (up to a maximum of 10 numbers).
AA-514 AA-516K