Doorphone AA-514
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150. This is a code that, if programmed, provides to prepend a number to the dialed number. If the numbers of
operators are in the numbering plan of the PBX (internal extensions), it is sufficient to program the parameter 150
with the first digit of the numbering plan and expose the legend for visitors with numbers to reach without the first
digit. For example, to call the operator at the extension number 311 it must be programmed the parameter 150 with
a value of 3 and indicate to the caller to dial the number 11.
In the case there is the need that the the visitor must dial external numbers, this parameter may be useful if filled
with the value of a code that instructs the PBX to use a specific trunk group for outgoing governed by the desired
class of service, with restrictions on certain numbers for calls when the PBX allows it (long distance calls, foreign
calls, fee-based services, mobile network, etc.).
In other cases, remember to activate some kind of control on the possible numbers that a general visitor can dial,
to prevent unauthorized calls.
AA-514 is equipped with a special table of up to 10 numbers that allows to create a filter on the selections made by
the user, in order to allow or reject it, even without the control of the PBX. This table and this service are very
useful for systems equipped with the full keyboard expansion module. See the parameters from 230 to 240 for the
programming of these particular functions.
There is a special code (stored in parameter 178) that allow, during a call, to enable the keyboard to emitt DTMF
tones, like a analog phone. This function is usefull when you reach telephone systems that interact with the user
and must be controlled with DTMF tones.
800 Numbers feature
Starting from the 2.8 firmware version, the 'Speed Dial' function of AA-514 systems was expanded, bringing the
total of the numbers associated with Speed Dial from 10 to 800. It is important that the optional AA-516K (numeric
keypad) is present and that the function 'Super Speed Dial' is enabled. The Speed Dial numbers to type on the AA-
516K keyboard have a range from 000 to 799 (for a total of 800 numbers) and each of them can be associated with
a number that AA-514 will dial, the maximum lenght of the numbers to dial is 15 digits. Enabling this new function, it
is NOT possible to use the Day/Night/Cycling operating modes of AA-514; the Doorphone will be in fact always
considered exclusively set up in Day mode, regardless of the related programmed parameters.
The audio messages playable from AA-514 last up to 7 seconds each, for a total of 14 seconds, compared to 16
seconds of the previous versions.
Enabling the new feature, the direct selection by AA-516K numeric keypad will remain unchanged. The system will
check the number of entered digits; if it is less than or equal to 3, it will activate the new service, otherwise the
entered digits will be normally composed. If it is needed to call directly a 3 digits internal extension, it is necessary
to insert them in the corresponding memory table. Using the 'Super Speed Dial' service, it is not possible to directly
call the internal extension between 800-999. Usually, 'Super Speed Dial' service is used in residences/villages
realities with a great number of contacts and it is not necessary to directly call other internal extensions.
Similarly, the AA-514 call buttons function remains unchanged, the only limitation is that they will work only in Day
mode, regardless of how AA-514 is set. To enable this service, the parameter 149 and the parameters from 1000
to 1799 must be correctly set, please see the parameter table.
RELAYS control with access codes
The opening function of the door opener connected to the two relays can be made available to a visitor who is
familiar with the various preset access codes.
The code is made up by the alternating pressure of the buttons of the device: for example, the code "121212" on
the system AA-514 correspond to press the first and the second button in sequence three times. It is possible to set
up to three access codes for each relay, one common always active if set, one vaild only in Day mode and another
one for Night mode only.
The parameters to set are 124-125-126 for the relay 1, and 164-165-166 for the relay 2. The time between the
pressing of a button and the other one for code entering must not exceed the value set in parameter 128. Upon
detection of the code correctly inserted, the corresponding relay will be activated for the time set in parameter 137
or 142.
The opening codes for the system based on 4 buttons will obviously consist of combinations of single digits from 1
to 4. If the system is equipped with the AA-516P expansion with 8 additional buttons it is actually possible to use all
the digits excepts zero (1-9).