Doorphone AA-514
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Reset parameters to factory defaults
There are 2 ways to reset the parameters to the factory default values, follow the next instruction:
Using phone:
- call the number where AA-514 is connected
- wait for AA-514 answer, then insert *** (3 times star key digit)
- wait for a long confirmation beep
- insert reset code **## ** (2 times star key, 2 times pound key, 2 times star key)
- wait for a long confirmation beep, then hang up
Acting on AA-514:
- turn off the system (disconnect telephone line and electric power if connected)
- turn on the system and wait for the system reboot (as soon as the led will flash)
- press and keep pressed the buttons 1 and 2 for some seconds
- wait for quick flashing of the led for 2 times
- reset is started, release the buttons and wait for the system reboot (the reboot time is
about 10 seconds). During this time do not turn off the system.
Firmware version installed on the device
To know the system firmware version it is necessary to enter in programming mode (follow the instruction explained
in the previous paragraph) then insert the parameter number 300 follow by the # (pound key) digit. It is a special
parameter, for signaling only and it cannot be programmed.
AA-514 will play 2 series of beep tones. You must count the number of beeps played. This number is the firmware
version installed. The firmware version is always composed by 2 digit, the first one is the number of the first series
of beep, the second one is the numbers of the second series of beeps. A pause of 1 second is inserted between
the first and the second series of beep. At the end of the second series of beep AA-514 will play a confirmation
long beep.
For example if the firmware version installed is 2.9, after AA-514 received the parameter 300, it will play this
sequence of beep: 2 beep, 1 second pause, 9 beep, one second pause, confirmation long beep.
Another way to know the firmware version installed is as follows: turn off the system, press a button, wait for about
30 seconds and turn on the system. Count the number of flashes issued from the led. The system will issue 2
series of flashes with a pause of 1 second.
For example if the firmware version installed is 2.9, after power on AA-514, it will issue this sequence of flashes: 2
flashes, 1 second pause, 9 flashes.