Doorphone AA-550
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6.5. Calls to AA-550
Call the system AA-550 from the PBX phones is useful to activate the conversation or issue commands for
example when a visitor is detected near the Doorphone, through a video surveillance system of the gate, or if some
vehicle arrived at the entrance driveway or as announcer to serve certain areas of warehouses without using a
more complex system of public address audio diffusion.
Calling the extension number connected to the AA-550 system, it will answer after a preset time. In conversation
the caller has the same commands described above for incoming calls to trigger the door opening and other
controls such as the change of the operating mode, and more.
It is possible to set the reply of the system by pressing a button of the Doorphone. This service, governed by
general parameters (see. par. 9.5), allows to avoid an undesired conversation in the absence of an interlocutor.
It is also possible to connect the audio of incoming calls only after the user enter an access code, for example if the
device is installed in protected environments.
Acquisition of external contacts for special applications
AA-550 has the ability to monitor and acquire the status of external 3 contacts to make reports, indipendent from
the normal operation as Doorphone. In the following descriptions of the services associated with the acquisition of
these external contacts, will be used the generic "alarms" word.
For each available input, it is possbile to associate a phone number or an IP address that will be called when the
input is triggered. AA-550 has a maximum of three separate inputs of the acquisition, and then up to three different
numbers. The programming of the inputs is described in par. 9.7. It is possible, for each input, to set the condition
of activation of the same
Normally, the closing of an external contact connected to the corresponding input will start the sequence of
signaling but it is also possible to reverse this logic, so the signaling can be done following the opening of the
contact connected to the input.
AA-550 continuously monitors the status of three contacts and the alarm condition is stored in a non-volatile
memory. As soon as possible it begins to call the person who will have to manage the alarm situation and plays the
message associated with the relative input (see par. 9.10). It is also possible to play a prerecorded message,
reproduced before making the call.
For each input, it is possible to define a code acquisition / acknowledgment of the alarm that the called must type to
inform AA-550 that the alarm has been notified.
If the called number is busy or does not answer, or in any other case in which AA-550 still does not receive the
code acquisition / acknowledgment, at the end of each call attempt AA-550 back to standby and prepares itself for
a new alarm notification.
The number of times that the alarms are notified and the time between one notification attempt and the next one
are programmable for each contact, and the time for which the warning message is played is common to all and is
the time "duration attempt" set in the general parameters (par. 9.5).
At the end of the notification attempts or if during notification AA-550 receives the correct code acquisition /
acknowledgment for the alarm in progress, the signaling of the alarm condition will stop and further notification calls
(for each input) will not be issued.
In order to re-trigger a new notification, it is necessary that the previous alarm condition back to standby. A new
alarm condition of the contact will start the cycle of alert notification again.
In practice: if a contact connected to one of its inputs is closed and it is detected its activation, AA-550 begins to
make calls warning. If the person called by the system reply correctly and insert the silence code, then the
waarning calls will be terminated.
If the contact that had triggered the alert has however remained closed (this obviously depends from the device
that controls the external contact), will NOT be triggered another round of warning! To obtain alerts for this contact
it is necessary for it to come back in standby before reopening and then with a new possible subsequent closure
will be re-detected by the AA-550 system with restoration of telephone notification.