Doorphone AA-550
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9.12. RFID management
AA-550 is not equipped with RFID reader, however, being the common programming software to all hardware
versions, this mask is still usable. Also models with the keyboard allow you to also enter manually the identification
code to activate the door opener relay. Just type on the system keypad the code programmed for the specific user
preceded by the '*', ie *12345 assigned to the drive of the relay 1, *54321 and assigned relay to the drive 2. If you
have the numeric keypad, therefore, appear to have sense configurations in this page
Import cards:
imports TAG or card codes, descriptions and methods of activation from a CSV file in which
the ";" character as a separator is used, for example, using Excel:
is possible to generate the corresponding CSV file ("Save As ..", "CSV format"):
12345678;Mr Smith;1;0;0;1;1
In the options column (C=day, D=night, E=interval, F=R1, G=R2), 1 means active and 0 means off. The
function handles up to a maximum of 1,000 cards or TAG.
Export cards:
the tiles already programmed appear on a new web page directly into CSV format, easily
storable and reusable for other systems or as rescue (if there are no data the message "page not found"
will simply be displayed).
“Report accesses” Show:
is shown on a new page a report with all accesses or attempts to access the
system via the RFID reader. If there is no report the message "page not found" appears.
“Report accesses” Delete:
It resets the access report content.
The table below the buttons allows you to insert, change or delete individual tiles. The check boxes of each line
refer to the admitted operating mode (Day, Night, Interval) and the number of the relay to be activated (R1 or R2).
When importing tiles from an external file, the configuration is saved immediately, but if you make changes through
this table, they should be confirmed with the "Save" button. The "Reset" button is used to clear any changes and
return to the table last save made.