40-400-00022 Rev. B
Select entry > 61
Power Fail:
EEPROM Checksum:
FLASH Checksum:
Active DataBase Checksum:
User Default DataBase Checksum:
Invalid Password:
User Set Alarm:
The Power Fail alarm is set whenever the power is lost and is cleared
when power is restored.
The Watchdog alarm is set whenever the internal watchdog fails.
The EEPROM Checksum alarm is set whenever the EEPROM fails.
The FLASH Checksum alarm is set whenever the FLASH ROM fails.
The Active DataBase Checksum alarm is set whenever the stored
configuration is corrupted.
The User Default DataBase Checksum alarm is set whenever the stored
configuration is corrupted.
The Port TIME-OUT alarm is set whenever a User Port does not release
DTR or RTS (if REQUEST FOR SERVICE is enabled) after a time-out
The Invalid Password alarm is set whenever there are three failed
attempts to enter either the System Password, or the Programming
The User Set Alarm is set by the user using menu item 80 (SET ALARM)
in the Diagnostics section in programming.
Alarms are cleared whenever the cause of the failure goes away, except in
the case of the Invalid Password alarm. The Alarm contacts on the rear
terminal strip will close if either the Power Failure, Watchdog Failure, Check-
sum Failure, or Port Time-out Failure alarms are activated.
This programming section is used to initiate test processes and provide
valuable information for troubleshooting any problems. All tests are normally
run from the Local/Maintenance Port but some may be run remotely via the
Modem Port.
The most valuable test to use is the PORT LOOPBACK TEST. When an RS-
232 cable is connected from the Modem Port to a User Port, the DS-100 will
exercise that port to verify proper operation of the User Port (and cable).
The CONTROL LEAD CHECK will test the status of the Control Leads for a
particular port. Control Leads tested include:
Data Terminal Ready