SE868-V3 Product User Guide
1VV0301205 r4 – 2016-01-20
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Mod. 0805 2015-02 Rev.4
The module will generate an internal reset as appropriate. Therefore, no external signal is
required for the module to operate properly and this pin may be left unconnected.
If an external reset is desired, the signal must be either open collector or open drain without any
form of pull up. Do not pull this line high with either a pull up or a driven logic one. When this
line is pulled low, the module will immediately transition into reset mode.
When the external reset is released, the module will go through its normal power up sequence
provided the V18 supply is within specifications. See
section 9.4.4 ON-OFF (input) and
Pulling NRESET low at any time forces the module into the reset state irrespective of the ON-
OFF signal. In the reset state, the SYSTEM-ON signal is low.
Once the NRESET signal is released the module will transition to the HIBERNATE state or to
the ON state as determined by the ON-OFF signal input.
Boot Select
It is not necessary to use the Boot Select pin to re-flash the receiver since SiRFlive can use
commands to perform this task.
This pin should be left floating or (preferably) may be brought out to a test point.