SE868-V3 Product User Guide
1VV0301205 r4 – 2016-01-20
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Mod. 0805 2015-02 Rev.4
NMEA Input Commands
The receiver uses NMEA proprietary messages for commands and command responses. This
interface provides configuration and control over selected firmware features and operational
properties of the module.
The format of a command is:
Commands are NMEA proprietary format and begin with “$PSRF”.
Parameters, if present, are comma-delimited as specified in the NMEA protocol.
Change output sentences and their rates
Use the Query/Rate Control ($PSRF103) command to enable and disable output NMEA
messages and set their output rates.
Change data rate
Use the Set Serial Port ($PSRF100) command to change the port data rate.
Switch to OSP protocol
Use the Set Serial Port ($PSRF100) command to switch to the OSP protocol. It may be
necessary to change the data rate since OSP can generate a much larger volume of output per
reporting cycle.
OSP Output Messages
Please refer to SiRF OSP documentation.
OSP Input Commands
Change output messages
Use OSP MID 166 to change the output messages.
Change data rate
Use OSP MID 134 to change the baud rate
Switch to NMEA protocol and data rate
Use the OSP MID 129 command to switch to the NMEA protocol and change the port data rate.