GL865-DUAL V3 Hardware User Guide
1vv0301018 Rev.5 – 2013-08-05
Reproduction forbidden without written authorization from Telit Communications S.p.A. - All Rights Reserved.
Page 19 of 76
Mod. 0805 2011-07 Rev.2
The power supply must be applied either at the same time on pins VBATT and VBATT_PA,
or first applied on VBATT_PA and then on VBATT. The opposite sequence shall be avoided.
The reverse procedure applies for powering down the module: first disconnect VBATT, then
VBATT_PA, or both at once.
In order to prevent a back powering effect it is recommended to avoid having any HIGH logic
level signal applied to the digital pins of the GL865-DUAL V3 when the module is powered
OFF or during an ON/OFF transition.
A flow chart showing the AT commands managing procedure is displayed below:
Modem ON Proc.
Disconnect PWR
AT init sequence.
Delay 300mS
Enter AT<CR>
AT answer in
Start AT CMD