Telit EVK2 User Guide
1vv0300704 Rev.13- 2012/06/25
Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A. written authorization - All Rights Reserved
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Interface connectors
The following connectors are available:
2 male connectors (
30 PTH pins each: PL101 and PL102
), to connect external devices,
user’s applications, Telit extension boards, measurement equipment or other tools
2 female connectors (40 PTH pins each one: SO101 and SO104), to connect the interface to
the EVK2 mother board circuits (power supply lines, serial in/out lines, audio in/out lines)
1 male connector (5 PTH pins: PL104), which makes available in one place all GPIOs
related to PCM
1 GSM RF connector (
SMA Female: SO103
1 GPS RF connector (
SMA Female: SO201
1 JTAG connector (
PL103, not mounted
2 male connectors (
2 PTH pins: PL203, PL205, not mounted
), which allow to manually
control some functions, therefore freeing the corresponding GPIOs for other uses
1 male connector (
2 PTH pins: PL204
) by means of which the user can manually disable
4 male connectors (
2 PTH pins: PL202, PL207; 3 PTH pins: PL201, PL206
) to select one
particular UART connection configuration.
Contents of the kit
Please check out the contents of your interface kit. If any of the following items is missing,
contact your Telit supplier.
Table 19
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